MAR 26 - AUG 29
Software Supply Chain Security – Managing 3rd party and Open Source Risk
Security Consolidation: Simpler Is Better As We Become Overloaded With Data
AI Powered Automated Security Capabilities: Next Level or Hype?
Secure Coding: Testing Code for Vulnerabilities
Maintaining App/API Security throughout the entire Software Lifecycle---for real
App Scanning: Is it Effective?
Retooling for the Cloud: As AppDev moves to the cloud our tools need to adapt
IaaC: Securing Infrastructure thats not there
Cloud Native Security: Are we utilizing it as much as we should be?
IoT Security - We're still not in a good place
Cloud Native Security: Are we utilizing it as much as we should be?
Security Consolidation: Simpler Is Better As We Become Overloaded With Data